Wild Yeasts
- A documentary project by Justine Saint-Lô
- 52'
- An Ikki Films production
- In coproduction with Paper Moon (France)
- With the support of the Région Aquitaine, the Ciclic - Centre-Val de Loire and the COM of Région Centre-Val de Loire (France 3, TV Tours and Bip TV)
Béatrix likes to be where she’s not expected, Béa feels alive when she’s on the move. She does everything she can not to feel like a prisoner. She’s a foreigner, a woman, and has decided to make natural wine, and apparently wine is serious business. So she took her courage in both hands and went for excellence, out of the question of looking like the ” wife “, she learnt sommellerie, viticulture, she learnt mechanics, she had fun. That’s how she is: alive. We say of natural wine: living wine. But what is she looking for in all her challenges and her name on the label ?